8 (8412) 49-10-10
Компания ЗАО Исток г.Пенза
ZAO Istok (Penza, Russia) is the largest regional producer of mineral and drinking water, sweet carbonated beverages, and naturally fermented kvass. This is one of the oldest companies in the Russian non-alcoholic industry. It was founded in 1927 and has been operating as going concern for more than 90 years!
Distinctive features of the company ZAO Istok
The range of products 
The range of products 
6 production lines that pour water and beverages in bottles of 0.5 L, 1.0 L, 1.5 L, 5.0 L and 19.0 L.
Our maximum operating capacity is enough to provide 200,000 people with water every day, i.e. 2L for 1 person per day according to the WHO norm.
The only company in the Volga region that produces 3 types of therapeutic - table mineral water.
Large Scale 
Large Scale 
The delivery campaign of our products covers a significant part of the territory of Russia-from Kaliningrad to the Ural.
3 fundamental principles in the work of ZAO Istok
A fundamental principle in the work of the entire company. Our absolute priority is quality in everything we do. At the same time, we do not accept quality when the production doesn't meet a standard or a need. Both indicate a minimum. And who needs a minimum? Only few. Therefore, the quality of the Istok is excellence. Superiority over another product or over yourself. Because the law of increasing needs is rigorous.
Each of us demands total responsibility from ourselves and from our colleagues. Everyone takes the initiative and ensures results. The principle of responsibility is manifested in mutual assistance and team spirit.
When achieving goals each of us ensures the maximum result from the resources spent. Efficiency for us is the ability to produce the right product, deliver it at the right time and at the right price. We do not waste our resources and save the resources of our clients and partners.