Silver Istok - low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-sulfate-magnesium-calcium-sodium the medical-table mineral water. It has a slightly alkaline reaction. Mineralization from 0.9 – 1.9 g/l.
It is pumped from well No. 78332 with a depth of 90 meters and is bottled directly at the well without additional transportation, which meets international standards.
It is very close to the composition of the mineral water of the Gazo-Ponomarevsky spring, located in Yessentuki.
The Russian scientific center for medical rehabilitation and balneology of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, has developed medical grounds for the internal use of Silver Istok mineral water:
chronic gastritis with normal and reduced secretory function of the stomach;
uncomplicated gastric ulcer of the stomach and dodecadactylon;
diseases of the operated stomach for gastric ulcer;
chronic colitis and enterocolitis;
chronic hepatic disorders and bile ducts;
chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, uric acid diathesis;
chronic diseases of the urinary tract.
Available in 0.5 L and 1.5 L bottles in a carbonated state.
Silver Istok belongs to the same group of waters in terms of composition and therapeutic and preventive effects on the body as Yessentuki-20, Narzan, Slavyanovskaya, Volzhanka.